Tuesday, 31 July 2012

My thoughts on food

I've read about and studied nutrition over many years as part of my degree and work.  Up until recently I've found that what I learned either had little practical application or fell into the common sense category.  I could tell you a fair amount about the biochemistry of food metabolism, but for whatever reason it had never made me modify my eating habits for the better.  With hindsight, I have a nagging suspicion that I never truly believed in all that I was being taught.  I've read several books of late that have sparked my interest, ignited my passion and make total sense to me on every level.  These books are:

  • The Great Cholesterol Con by Dr. Malcolm Kendrick
  • The Diet Delusion (UK)/Good Calories, Bad Calories (US) by Gary Taubes
  • The 4 Hour Body by Timothy Ferriss
Some fairly sensationalist titles in there, but they are great reads; can get a little heavy, but only in parts, and all have been impeccably researched.  What they all have in common is the fact that they are derisory of the nutritional and medical advice that is mainstream at present, and of the system that has embodied it.

To cut a long story short, they emphasise the of psychology of eating and our relationship with food, and most importantly they discuss sugar.  I am utterly convinced, as are they, that sugar is the worst thing in our diet, not fat.  It is sugar that has been manipulated and increased most through the recent years of food processing, and it is sugar that is making us all fat.

All that being said, I love sugar in all its wonderful forms!  That's partly why I know it's so true.  Think about it, when you crave something what is it you crave?  It's certainly not a juicy steak or tuna mayo despite the fact that I love both those things.  For me it's usually cakes, biscuits or bread; foods that are highly processed and very high in easily digestible carbohydrates, or sugars for short.

This is the battleground for my healthy eating project.  I aim to be more conscious of what I eat and to commit to that behaviour in the long-term, hence the flash diet project.  I also aim to reduce my intake of processed foods and refined carbohydrates.  I will be following the dietary advice laid out in the books by Gary Taubes and Tim Ferriss.  I've had a go at this before, and was pleasantly surprised both by the results and the ease of continuation.  I can't honestly tell you when or why I drifted from it, I think it may have been Christmas, but that is why I need to tackle the psychology.

Wish me luck!  And share your stories, thoughts and questions with me.  The more the merrier as far as I'm concerned!

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