Monday, 30 July 2012

The beginning

This is the start of my experimentation with "flash dieting".  I have been reading through various resources (which I will share later), and have seen it said that taking a photo of your food can be a more effective diet intervention than keeping a food journal.  There are two reasons for this; the first is that it's just less hassle and the second is that it is a process that takes place prior to the food being eaten.  This in itself makes the act of eating more conscious and therefore makes you consider the pros and cons of the box of Krispy Kremes you're about to devour before you actually do it!

I will be posting pictures of all the food to pass my lips as well as fortnightly body measurements in order to show my progress.  The point of this is primarily to help me keep on the straight and narrow, but also to be able to share my experiences and findings with others in order to be able to help them.  It should be said that I am a personal trainer and sport scientist, and that I am aiming to follow a specific diet and exercise regime.  The details of all my research, findings and thoughts can be found at my other blog called "The Rehabilitation of a Personal Trainer", which should hopefully be associated with this one!

It should also be said that despite being "in the industry", I'm the same as the next person.  I love food, both good and bad, I am constantly striving to be better at this and many other things and often feel I'm not managing that particularly well!  Knowing what you should be doing and actually doing it are two entirely different things.  I'm a Dad of three, trying to set up a new business and trying to finish off a masters degree, and when I struggle for energy it seems I eat like shit, despite knowing this is the worst thing for me.  I eat for pleasure, not for fuel, and I need to address the psychology of my eating behaviours.

Any comments, questions, things you think I should look at or flash diets that you are doing yourself, please let me know in the comments!  I look forward to sharing my journey with you....

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Other than that, have fun, interact and hopefully between us we can create something worthwhile that will help to improve some lives along the way.....