Thursday, 16 August 2012

Day 14: Dinner

North African Squash & Chickpea Stew.

This is the start of a new idea for this project of mine.  I'm going to start sharing recipes I'm using and where I've got them from.  I'm a bit of a gadget geek and use technology a lot in my life to help me be productive and stay organised.  I decided I needed a bit of inspiration and we have a lot of cookery books in our house, most of which are under used.  The problem I find with cookery books is it's a lot of effort for general cooking to scour them for recipes that you want, can make with the ingredients you have and that won't take half a day to prepare.  I have started to photograph the recipe pages that work for this diet and that appeal to me.  I'll share them on here with you and they will be tagged recipes.  If it starts to get overwhelming in choice I'll start to add more specific tags.  For myself I'm using Evernote, which is a digital notebook of sorts.  I use it a lot!  I'm setting up a recipe notebook with specific tags for the type of food and ingredients so that I can search it by what I fancy or the ingredient that I want to use.  The other great thing about it is that it can store all sorts of formats; you can write notes, take pictures, record audio, or clip a web page.  I highly recommend doing it if you want to be successful at this (and many other things too!).

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Other than that, have fun, interact and hopefully between us we can create something worthwhile that will help to improve some lives along the way.....